Advanced Selected Topics in Architecture; Low Heat Lab: Design-Weave-Build, Takoma Park, MD

A graduate level hands-on seminar where students will participate in the design and construction of a small-scale, site-specific installation built with Low-Heat materials. Research into vernacular and contemporary architectural projects that incorporate the craft of binding, weaving, rolling, and knotting will structure course discussions. Paper modeling will be used to explore preliminary design ideas for the installation and solicit feedback from our client.

Sister Courses: ARCH678B, ARCH678C, ARCH678D, ARCH678E, ARCH678I, ARCH678J, ARCH678L, ARCH678M, ARCH678N, ARCH678O, ARCH678Q, ARCH678T, ARCH678U, ARCH678V, ARCH678W, ARCH678Y, ARCH678Z

Past Semesters

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Average rating: N/A

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Average rating: N/A

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.