Reviews for AREC380

Information Review
James Archsmith

Expecting a B+
AREC380 is hands down the best class I have taken in my first 3 years at UMD! I have no complaints. His teaching method was very effective and really made me learn a lot. To truly do well in the class-as simple as it sounds- you have to think and not just memorize. If you don't understand a certain topic or you're just confused about how to set up your code, just email him or attend his office hours. PLUS you don't need any coding/programming experience to do well in this class. I highly recommend taking it!
James Archsmith

Expecting an A
Very chill professor. The class focuses more on principles than coding skills so it is great for people who have no experience in coding. Though the class is not easy, I am glad that I took it because it is very useful and it introduces you to the world of data science. Slides are really detailed and Professor Archsmith provides R code for every lecture, which is extremely helpful for the homework and projects.
James Archsmith

Expecting an A-
He gives detailed power point and talks really fast but clearly each lecture. Sometimes we have problemset which is not really difficult as long as I listen to him carefully in class. His exams are more about concept and explanation. Once you review all his power points and problemset answer sheet, you could get a fine grade. He's really nice and patient when I asked questions even though some of them were really really basic and easy.