Reviews for AREC435

Information Review
Dale Johnson

Expecting an A
This class is fun! It's about the ways to reduce risks and maximize profits in the futures and options market. Once you fathom the principles of those strategies, you can do well. Professor Johnson cares about his students and he is passionate during lectures. He gives handouts that are very helpful for you to learn, but to do well in exams, you may need to memorize some details (like definition) on his handouts.
James Hanson

This class surprised me! The first day I left thinking that it was going to be one of the most confusing classes ever. Overall though, it ended up being one of my favorites! You get some good practical experiences learning about agricultural markets. Prof. Hanson is very straightforward in how he presents the material and goes step-by-step, very methodically, always making sure that students understand it. The grading in the class involves homework (20%), a midterm exam (35%), and a final (45%). Half of the homework involves worksheets that are graded based on completion, which he goes over it in class they day it is due. I recommend completing it ahead of time though because it helps you grasp the material better. Half the homework involves Geograin, a program that allows you to manage a hypothetical agricultural market account. It's a great experience learning how to analyze real prices. This part of the homework involves handing in updates 5 times a semester (2% each) of how your Geograin is performing (though results do not impact your grade). The exams mostly involves the same problems performed in the homework, as well as some of the definitions and terms we discuss in class. Make sure you attend class and understand the problems because there are no powerpoint slides. Don't be afraid to ask questions if you do not understand. The final is a substantial portion of the grade, and it's cumulative, so make sure you don't fall behind and procrastinate in your studies!