Reviews for ARTH260C

Information Review
Abigail McEwen

Expecting an A-
it is an easy A class but attendance is somewhat mandatory since it will affect your participation grade. A really, extremely boring class if you’re not interested in the topic and she also talks in a very monotone voice so good luck staying up since it is at 9:30. Although she is a sweet person, she is a stickler and not that understanding when it comes to personal matter. A lot of busy work to do for such a boring class, but if you can make it through go ahead and take it.
Abigail McEwen

it is an easy A class. A really, extremely boring class if you’re not interested in the topic and she also talks in a very monotone voice so good luck staying up since it's a morning class. She is a sweet person though. A lot of busy work to do for such a boring class, but if you can make it through go ahead and take it. Also, warning if you are going to be in carillon, drop the program is you can to save time and take classes you would care about more.
Abigail McEwen

Expecting an A
She's great. Don't worry about the negative reviews. Maybe she was bad earlier, who knows, but people can change. I took art history 260C with her: Art and Activism, as part of Carollin Communities. She was fantastic. Stupidly easy A. Spent max 10 minutes outside of the class with the weekly essay (it's really short) and posting some things on a class discussion board. Hint: you don't have to really read the weekly readings at all. She kept things really neutral (at least until we started discussing feminism) and invited everyone to participate. "You'll have to try really hard to not get an A in this class" - McEwen at the beginning of the semester. This is something I literally remember her saying verbatim. Something she actually said.
Abigail McEwen

Expecting an A
This class is really easy to get an A in but a lot of busy work. At least for this semester, there were no quizzes or anything really that tests your knowledge on the content. There are discussion posts and weekly response papers (300 words). The sections decide prompts for the final which are two essays. There is also a group project but she’s a pretty easy grader on it. There is a textbook but you most definitely don’t need to read it unless it’s for finding examples for the final.