Astronomy in Practice

Restriction: Must not be in Astronomy program. Additional information: Appropriate for non-science majors. Students learn astronomy research techniques and contribute significantly to the existing body of astronomical knowledge. Students apply methods and tools such as celestial coordinates, telescopes and CCD cameras, and appropriate analysis software to a specific observational goal. Students produce a work detailing their scientific result which will be submitted for publication in a professional venue. Each semester, the course focuses on a specific astronomical topic or type of object, such as asteroids, extrasolar planets, supernovae in other galaxies, quasars, etc.

Spring 2024

39 reviews
Average rating: 3.64

Past Semesters

39 reviews
Average rating: 3.64

39 reviews
Average rating: 3.64

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.