Reviews for BIOE442

Information Review
Bardia Yousefi

Expecting a B
Dr. Yousefi managed to make BIOE442 over the summer very helpful and insightful. He provided resources and information on the topics we learned, and was also always eager to help during classtime. He'd provide a lot of chances to actually practice in class and gain feedback! Great teacher overall, however sometimes the assignment descriptions were a little vague but that might be more on the course rather than him, and he was always available to clarify them anyway. He also really encourages participation(gives out candy fr) and really does want you to succeed.
Jonathan Resop

Expecting an A
Genuinely one of the best professors I have ever had. He really prioritizes students learning over just grades. Super responsive through email and office hours. He recorded his lectures and posted them only for students who missed class for the day. No "exams" technically, just two more extensive projects, then weekly problem sets (sometimes challenging if you email him with the errors you are getting or if you are confused he helps you troubleshoot!), weekly lab exercises (shorter and easier than the problem sets) and weekly 5 point quizzes, just to ensure you gauge the lecture material well enough from the week. I could not recommend this course more, not only is python a helpful skill but Dr. Resop really ensures students are properly understanding the material and gives all the resources you need!
Bahaa Ghammraoui

Expecting an A+
Dr. Ghammraoui was a great professor for this course. He was very nice with the curve at the end if the class, making the average 90%. Most of the work/grades came in the form of weekly homework assignments which were usually on things covered in lecture. He encouraged collaboration and using outside sources, and also held office hours every week where he would go over the homework. The exams were harder, but we were given a week to do all of them. The content he went over was very relevant to Bioengineering, and would be useful in any internship/job. He focused more on introducing certain concepts rather than getting bogged down in the details which was appreciated.