Advanced Topics in Biology; Evolutionary Genomics

Application of genomics to understanding evolutionary processes, including genome evolution, organismal evolution, genomic diversity across the tree of life, human evolution and disease. Relevant concepts of evolutionary genetics and genome biology will be covered.

Sister Courses: BIOL708A, BIOL708B, BIOL708D, BIOL708E, BIOL708G, BIOL708J, BIOL708L, BIOL708M, BIOL708Q, BIOL708R, BIOL708T, BIOL708V, BIOL708W, BIOL708X

Spring 2024

11 reviews
Average rating: 2.73

Past Semesters

40 reviews
Average rating: 4.65

11 reviews
Average rating: 2.73

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.