Reviews for BMGT326

Information Review
Lei Zhou

Expecting an A
I agree with the other reviews that she does teach very quickly, however, she now records the lectures. This makes her projects very easy. For most of the projects, she shows you step-by-step exactly what you need to do. The other projects are simple and she gives a lot of the answers away. The Connect homework and quizzes are easy. The final is hard, but it's open note. She also offered our class a lot of extra credit for attendance.
Lei Zhou

Expecting an A-
Haven't taken the final for this course yet, but i actually think she is a fair professor. She accommodates students when they need an extension, and while she may be hard to understand at times, she records lectures so you can go back and watch. So far in class i have had no issues and i think she's very kind
James McKinney

Expecting an A-
Prof. McKinney is a great professor, really nice guy. He's probably a very good resource when it comes to networking and whatnot, he's always posting opportunities from KPMG, Deloitte, etc. But yeah, I agree with the rest of these reviews, his slides can be fairly off topic except for a handful of multiple choice questions on the exams. Not to say you shouldn't go to class though, he takes attendance and often says some things you might miss that pertain to exams or projects. But I did find myself tuning out a bit in class when he was lecturing on and on. Exams aren't terribly difficult, you get a 2-sided note sheet and the content does pertain pretty well to the projects you do and some of the slides. I would take his class again overall.
James McKinney

Nice guy, but their lectures do not feel like they include any real information. The HWs are your best bet to doing well on the exams. There are no practice exams and you won't need to buy the textbook. there is a lot of conceptual information in this class so it can be hard to pick out the relevant information you need to know for exams, but its not a super hard class.
Lei Zhou

Expecting a B+
Teaches very quickly and doesn't know how to help students. Do NOT take her if you can help it.
Lei Zhou

Expecting a B+
One of the worst professors I have ever taken. Literally interrupts you while talking to shush you and simply does not help any student who is falling behind. The class moves too quickly and she doesn't attend to any of the students' needs. DO NOT TAKE HER IF POSSIBLE!!
Lei Zhou

Class goes from 0-100 from week 2 to week 4-5
Lei Zhou

I agree with the previous comment. She goes over the content way too fast. By the time she asked if we had questions, most of us were trying to figure out what she had explained. She also goes over very complex problems in class and tells us that we need to understand the material well for the exam, which seems difficult considering that she doesn't take the time to clearly explain the fundamental concepts.
Lei Zhou

Lost 100% of the class and still kept going through material 98 miles/second. and no its not lazy American work ethic. SHE DOESNT KNOW HOW TO TEACH. AT LEAST RECORD THE LECTURE IF YOU'RE GOING TO GO THAT FAST. You cannot look away from her screen for more than three seconds or you're screwed.