Reviews for BMGT345

Information Review
Michael Padhi

Professor and TAs are fine, but extremely tedious class and hard exams. The homeworks and quizzes are super time consuming. The exams, especially the last few are pretty hard. The study guides are not reflective of the exam content so study the past exams instead. Good luck
Michael Padhi

Expecting an A+
Finance is finance. Wish I didn't have to take it. Exams 1 and 3 were easy but exam 2 destroyed me. Luckily final is optional and if you take it drops the lowest exam (otherwise don't take it you keep the 3 mid-terms). Class all online, person HW and quiz annoying but not terrible. I advise speed through first attempt, take pics of the worked formulas and then take second attempt (diff numbers same format). Padhi's videos were easy to follow, had good examples.
William MacDonald

Expecting an A
I had MacDonald for 345 and this was my favorite course from the general business minor. The lectures were alright but I thought that he was a good professor since he is always reasonable and the exams were relatively easy. The study guides he gives out are good for preparing you for the exams.