Reviews for BMGT362

Information Review
Gosia Langa Basit

Expecting a B+
Overall, the content of the course is valuable and the in-class negotiations are interesting. The professor does not know how to lecture, and you have to watch recorded lecture videos in order to grasp any content. There are weekly quizzes that are often far more confusing than they need to be. Attendance is mandatory and participation is tracked based on how many times you speak during class. Final 10 page paper which is a self reflection of the semester and a final group project. overall you will be fine if you go to class, study, and participate but not the most enjoyable professor.
Robert Sheehan

Expecting an A-
Dr. Rob genuinely cares about his students. He makes the effort to memories everybody's name (which is a rare thing in a professor) and encourages students to contact him anytime in the future if they need help in a real negotiation problem. The only problem about the course are the quizzes filled with trick/gotcha questions (which he didn't even create). If you ever have the opportunity to take him, I would highly recommend it.
Robert Sheehan

Expecting an A
Dr. Rob is one of the best professors I took at UMD. He cares about his students, does everything in his power to help them get the grade they want, and is clear as day on the required assignments/grading. I actually very much enjoyed this course as well as it it very interactive with negotiation exercises and he tries to incorporate students into the class time rather than just lecturing. Attendance is also mandatory as well. He did not structure this class though, so it is a bit work but he is super accommodating and helps you if you miss any classes. If you have the opportunity to take the class with him, do it.
Gosia Langa Basit

Expecting an A-
Not sure what these other reviews for 362 are talking about she is actually so goated. Loved her class. It was engaging, I didn't dread going, and it never made me feel too overwhelmed. Take this course if you can it's great!
Gosia Langa Basit

Expecting a B+
She is a nice woman, but this class is not great. SO much busy work it is insane. There's a group project that takes forever, a paper mid semester which is 8-10 pages, quizzes every week and busy work sprinkled in between. By far the most time I spent on assignments was in this class and I learned very little. The in class negotiations are fun and helpful. This might have been specific to my semester, but the TA's grading was absurd too
Gosia Langa Basit

Expecting an A-
Firstly, she comes off very cold and unapproachable. Also, expect there to be five assignments each week that are completely pointless and a waste of time, much like this class as a whole. She doesn't understand that every single student in her class is taking other classes that are much more important than this one. Also, participation counts a lot. I never missed a lecture and made a point to speak at least once during every class and still did not do that well in regards to participation grades, IDK what else I could have done. The graded negotiation is ridiculous and sure to bring down your grade no matter what. If you can, take it with someone else.
Gosia Langa Basit

Expecting an A-
the quizzes are SO HARD. she made a comment once about trying to trip students up on purpose with the wording of the questions, which I feel like learning should not be about. the ta graded participation unnecessarily hard too - everybody is trying to raise their hand to get participation points in but there's just too many people. while the course concept is interesting, it's not set up for students to be successful.
Gosia Langa Basit

Expecting an A
The class, especially in the beginning, is kind of a pain and I wish it wasn't a requirement for management majors. It is a lot of work with weekly reflections and additional assignments; the quizzes seem rather difficult considering how basic the course material is as well. Additionally, the graded negotiation is graded quite harshly and it's nearly impossible to get a good grade on. In the grand scheme of things, those don't matter too much since the semester paper and group project hold more weight, which she gives plenty of time to do. She seems to grade those more leniently so getting a decent grade isn't too hard to do. Overall, while the exercises were fun and I did get value out of the class, aspects of the class made it just a bearable experience.
Gosia Langa Basit

Expecting a B+
I had her for BMGT 362, a negotiation class. Unfortunately, she was the only person teaching this course and I dreaded about this class because of her bad reviews. I did not enjoy the class at all. She seems very cynical and would say something so weird in class. I get that her energy is up there but she can come off as rude sometimes. The homework amount is insanely a lot. The reading part was too much; like read page 20 to 100 before class meets again. Most of us didn't even read the textbook at all. Even though she said to purchase the textbook, I don't think it was worth it. So i ended up getting free etextbook from the internet. The written assignments were just ridiculous. She made us write 10 pages, double spaced, on how we can improve our negotiation skills. I did not enjoy this class at all. I would have liked this class if this course was taught by a different person.
Gosia Langa Basit

Expecting an A-
Like every review said so far, her class has very basic material, but she makes the class very annoying. She gives a few assignments a week that are just busy work and half the time require you to write a 1 page paper - single spaced obviously. Also, they actually grade the paper. It's not just an easy 10 points if you do the work, but you also have to bring sources from the Textbooks, use big words, etc. It's just so annoying. There are quizzes every week for 6 weeks and they are also very annoying, and not even worth that much. You can get a B in the class by just BSing things without even trying, but if you want an A, you have to put in the work, so just be aware of that. A new thing she did this year is that there is a participation grade every week. And to get full credit, you have to answer 3 questions. I feel bad for the TAs who have to make sure keep track of everyone who talks. I feel bad because she actually thinks what she is doing is really helping, but there are too many assignments to actually care about the work. You are just worried about completing them and moving on with your life. But yeah, I think she is the only one that teaches the class, but this is just for you to be aware going in.
Gosia Langa Basit

Expecting a B-
Expect 4-6 assignments a week. She often misses class and lets the TA's run her class. She doesn't let you review old quizzes because she doesn't want to rewrite the quizzes for next semester. The quizzes and exams have random questions. Please avoid taking this class with her if possible because it's too much work.
Gosia Langa Basit

Expecting a B-
Lots of homework and quizzes. Often skips class and let the TAs run the class. She also doesn't let you review old quizzes because she doesn't want to rewrite the quizzes each semester. I would recommend to avoid taking this class with her if possible.
Gosia Langa Basit

Worst professor I've had at UMD. Her quiz/exam questions are confusing and averages were consistently in the 60s. She also refuses to unmute quiz answers to help students learn because she's too lazy to rewrite them each semester. Skips class and leaves TAs to run it. Rude and condescending towards students. I learned nothing. Avoid taking her.
Gosia Langa Basit

Expecting an A-
Horrendous. Avoid if possible. Quiz questions that confused everyone, way too many assignments, repetitive after class lectures, patronizing to students, and doesn't let you review old quiz questions despite continuing to test you on them.
Taha Nasir

So, there are two TA's for this course. One of them is actually okay when it comes to grading your stuff because she tells you why she cut off those points but this one grades harshly and doesn't even tell why he cuts off points and he has so much attitude for no reason.
Gosia Langa Basit

Expecting an A-
She is a friendly person but she makes this class unnecessarily hard. The quizzes are filled with random questions. Besides that, there are so many assignments so you have to work hard to do decent in this class. However, you get to learn different types of negotiations which is useful.
Gosia Langa Basit

Expecting an A
Very kind and knowledgable. Made class fun. There were a lot of chapter quizzes which ended up having questions from far different chapters so watch out.