Special Topics in Management and Organization; Creativity for Business Leaders and Entrepreneurs Outdoor Edition

Restricted to students with 45 credit hours completed. Course requires participation in activities outside the scheduled meeting time, including site visits to Under Armour and in the outdoors.

Sister Courses: BMGT468A, BMGT468B, BMGT468E, BMGT468G, BMGT468L, BMGT468P, BMGT468Q, BMGT468R, BMGT468U, BMGT468V, BMGT468W, BMGT468X, BMGT468Y, BMGT468Z

Spring 2024

36 reviews
Average rating: 2.31

Past Semesters

36 reviews
Average rating: 2.31

36 reviews
Average rating: 2.31

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.