Reviews for BSCI416

Information Review
Stephen Mount

Oh the misery. Where do I start? I was expecting this class to be fun, engaging, and not one to really impact my GPA or mental health due to the grade distribution on planetterp. Boy was I wrong. You walk into the first day of class and what happens? 20 page article to read by next class. Thereafter, you have a presentation every other week (total of 6, one where you will present and all of the others are ones where you will help make the presentation), a worksheet for each of the articles around every week, a giant grant proposal to work on throughout the semester, a mechanism report (where you will only get 2-3 weeks to work on but actually require much more time), and a final exam where you have to find answers to their long questions completely based off of articles you find on your own with no assistance. On top of that, you will not, I repeat, you will NOT get your grades back in a timely manner for anything just because they are slow graders and won't release grades for whatever unholy reason. This means you could make a mistake on your presentations one time and keep making them throughout the semester and get points docked for it because you never received your feedback in a timely manner. Some of the points you get docked on are absolutely silly and uncalled for as well. Dr. Mount will point something out in your presentation (for example not including something or saying that your figures are blurry) when in reality the presentation did not have that fault at all. He claims that he is "biased" on grading and will knock down points because of this bias when he does NOT pay attention to the presentations. I have seen him STARE at the ceiling for an extended period of time when someone was presenting when he was supposed to be grading their presentations. Someone in my class also went to his office hours and tried to have a conversation about how this class alone takes too much time and is affecting our mental health and Dr. Mount's reaction was "Well you should manage your time better." He is completely detached from the woes he inflicts on his students and that shows with his assignments, grades, and comments. Also his presentations are incredibly dull and make you want to fall asleep as well. In all, save yourself the mental and emotional strain and don't take this class (at least not with Dr. Mount) if you don't have to.