Reviews for BSCI452

Information Review
Chan Lin

Bro is buggin with the averages this semester
Quentin Gaudry

Expecting an A-
Honestly cannot think of a better professor in the Bio department. His class is definitely challenging and requires effort but he makes it very interesting and he genuinely cares about his students. Take the time to get to know him and put in the effort for his class. If you do, the class will be super rewarding and enjoyable. Cannot emphasize enough how great of a professor he is. He makes this class worth it!
Quentin Gaudry

Expecting an A-
Professor Gaudry is one of the greatest professors I have had at the University of Maryland. He is funny and entertaining which helped keep me engaged in this class and also clearly conveys the material. He sometimes puts weird questions on the exam and I don't remember discussing them in class but otherwise the exams were fair and honestly could have been a lot harder, so I was grateful for that. The class itself is very difficult but very rewarding if you spend the necessary time on it. My advice would be to spend time every week reviewing the anatomy at the very least.
Quentin Gaudry

Expecting an A
Awesome professor. This class is pretty tough but he is by far one of the most qualified professors in the bio department. He does a lot of research but equally cares about his class. Exams are tough but if you look through material before class and dont cram you'll be fine