Reviews for BSOS388B

Information Review
Katlin Gray

Expecting an A
If you do not need to take this class, simply don't. I took this course as an elective and had to work my ass off, leaving my other (more important) classes on standby. Workload is incredibly high and material is graded in an elementary manner (A, B, C) and some assignments either taking a 100% or 0% (with the kicker being that its not based on completion). Rubrics are not specific by any means and yet she demands specificity in your work, Even if the work you produce is good, she will nit pick little things about it to remind you that you are inferior compared to her. Jokes aside, she is a harsh grader. She can also be a SJW sometimes in terms of the biased readings she gives out to the class. Most of the readings actually don't offer much value to your comprehension in the class or the topic of social change. While she is a nice person, I think she has completely lost the meaning of what actually is social change: she is so hung up on making her students parrot the words she is saying, she forgets that to educate someone on the nature of social change it should be an open, stress-free environment where everyone can participate without having to be graded.
Katlin Gray

Expecting an A-
I would probably avoid this professor, practically nobody in this class has been able to get an A despite the historical data of the class making it seem like it is a fairly easy course. Many of the large assignments in the course have had highest scores in the class of B+ and if you make the slightest error you will get an A- or B+. The course is a decent amount of work as well because of the number of readings required. I've received contradictory feedback like "use your own words" but also being told that direct citations are necessary within the same paragraph and as a result getting an A-/B+ on a project that the feedback was very positive on. Overall not a terrible professor but I wouldn't take her again just because she is very critical and it's probably not worth the stress/frustration. Also one of those professors that claim to be open-minded etc but gives readings that are blatantly extremely biased.