Reviews for BUFN773

Information Review
Albert Kyle

"Pete" Kyle's course is great. A ton of reading. You will read, you must read, and you will talk about it. You will also write about everything you read before class. Definitely definitely be prepared to work in this class. Make sure you write up your material well. You must. That is your grade. So, know what you are talking about from the reading and go for it. But you will reap the benefits from one of the greatest teaching professors using the socratic/case study method ever. Smith is very lucky to have Professor Kyle. Former Rhodes Scholar and just a dang good teaching professor. Go inside the world of hedge funds, pension funds, and get some great trivia and learn who the players are in this world. You'll definitely know about Yale's David Swenson, Harvard's emulation, and about PIMCO. Kyle has a ton of knowledge, and he will be sharing. You must talk in this class, so do your reading. There is often no right answer. It's a critical thinking exercise, all perspectives are fair game. This is a great class. He has a TA grade most of the write-ups, so write to that. I would pepper a lot of the writing with Econ lingo to give it the edge since I knew a finance focused TA would be reading them. If I polished my papers a bit more and didn't wait til the last second each lecture, could have done a lil better. Still did well. Enjoy.