Fundamentals in Criminal Justice

Restriction: Must be enrolled at The Universities at Shady Grove; and must be in the Criminal Justice minor; or by permission of department; and must not be in the Criminology and Criminal Justice major. Provides an overview of the three major components of the American criminal justice system: police, courts, and corrections. Each component will be explored in its development over time as well as various issues surrounding each component. This course will also cover important issues that are relevant to current debates including race, reentry, technology and crime, juvenile justice, and future directions for criminal justice.

Fall 2024

34 reviews
Average rating: 3.59

Past Semesters

34 reviews
Average rating: 3.59

34 reviews
Average rating: 3.59

34 reviews
Average rating: 3.59

34 reviews
Average rating: 3.59

34 reviews
Average rating: 3.59

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.