Reviews for CCJS318C

Information Review
Thomas Mauriello

Expecting an A
Professor Mauriello is an objectively great professor. The course I took met once a week for two and a half hours and during class, I genuinely felt engaged. He has experience in and a clear passion for public speaking, which shows in the content and presentation of his lectures. I also felt that he genuinely attempted to know each of his students and see them students improve, giving every person constructive and achievable feedback. For CCJS318C, Professor Mauriello requires purchasing a textbook he has written on which there are weekly reading quizzes--this is definitely essential to do well in the class, not only because of the weight of the quizzes but also because it outlines the specific requirements he has for speeches such as slide development.
Thomas Mauriello

CCJS318C is a new public speaking course in the CCJS department. I took it the first semester it was taught, Fall 2022. Professor Mauriello is a laid back, kind, and super knowledgeable professor. His expertise shines through his lectures and I really enjoyed having him as a professor. However, the course was not what I thought it would be. I expected to practice speaking more but instead, we only had about 2 formal speeches the whole semester. Most classes were either guest speakers (who, for the most part, were boring) and lectures on material that we didn’t need to or have to know. As for exams, the course quizzes were pretty easy and are based on Mauriello’s new public speaking book, which wasn’t an interesting read and had information with little to no relevance to college students. Yes, this was the first time the course was taught and I’m sure it will improve. But for that to happen, there needs to be public speaking every class and less book/lecture. So if you’re not the most confident public speaker and only want to practice a little, maybe this class is for you. Otherwise, maybe a COMMs course is your best best to practice speaking.