Bionanotechnology: Physical Principles
Prerequisite: BIOE120; or students who have taken courses with comparable content may contact the department. Restriction: Permission of ENGR-Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering department. Physics at nano/micro scales. Biomolecular building blocks. Simplest biomolecular assembly: protein folding. Nanoscale intermolecular interactions important for biology. Protein-ligand binding. Protein higher-order assembly: filaments, networks. Protein filaments and motility. DNA, RNA and their assembly assisted by proteins. Viral capsid assembly. Lipid assembly into micelles, bilayers. Lipid-protein co-assembly in membranes. Lipid and polymer structures useful in medicine. Targeted delivery of drugs, genes by nano/micro structures. Cellular assembly in the eye, in insect wings. Cellular assembly at surfaces: gecko feet, duck feathers. Cellular assembly in the presence of crystals: biomineralization.
Spring 2024
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