Special Topics in Contemporary Chinese Fiction and Film; Modern Chinese Literacy Criticism and Theory

One of the key forces behind China's cultural and intellectual modernization is the founding of a new literary tradition. This course studies how modern Chinese literary critics read, understand, and analyze modern Chinese literature by integrating modern ideas and practices with pre-modern ones and connecting Chinese and Western analytical traditions. Taught in English. No Chinese is required, though Chinese readings can be provided upon request. No course prerequisite.

Sister Courses: CHIN418, CHIN418B, CHIN418C, CHIN418D, CHIN418F, CHIN418G, CHIN418I, CHIN418J, CHIN418K, CHIN418L, CHIN418N, CHIN418P, CHIN418T, CHIN418V

Past Semesters

1 review
Average rating: 4.00

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.