Special Topics in International Film Studies; Storytelling in Israeli Animation and Literature

Cross-listed with TDPS258W, JWST219F, ENGL289F and IRSL249B. How short can a story be and still stand as a complete and meaningful creation? In animation, where every second consists of 25 handmade frames, the idea of short is brought to its extreme. Students will explore the structures of short stories and short animation films, with particular attention to Jewish and Israeli examples. Students will observe the basic elements that turn a short occurrence into a story and will practice live storytelling to experiment with different approaches to the narrator's role and the tension between text and image. Special emphasis will be given to the use of narration in animation films.

Sister Courses: CINE298A, CINE298J, CINE298T

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* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.