Special Topics in Computer Science; Functional Programming in Racket

An introduction for students to functional programming in Racket, which will cover the basics of programming in Racket, including syntax and semantics, built-in datatypes and user-defined datype facilities, pattern matching, and higher-order functions. It will also cover features unique to Racket such as the module system, macro system, gradual type system, and contract system. Finally, the domain-specific language (DSL) features, culminating the designand implementation of a DSL will be covered.

Sister Courses: CMSC388A, CMSC388B, CMSC388D, CMSC388E, CMSC388F, CMSC388G, CMSC388I, CMSC388J, CMSC388L, CMSC388M, CMSC388R, CMSC388T, CMSC388U, CMSC388V, CMSC388W, CMSC388X, CMSC388Y, CMSC388Z

Past Semesters

25 reviews
Average rating: 3.68

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.