Special Topics in Computer Science; Introduction to Product Design with Figma

An exploration into the world of Figma! Figma is a popular collaborative design tool used by many developers for brainstorming, proof of concepts, and website/application design. We will be exploring the various capabilities of Figma, and how we can create a website or mobile application from a design made on Figma. Students will learn principles of design, create mockups, and build their own website/mobileapp that will look great for resumes and portfolios. A student-led course through Student-Initiated Courses (STICs) @ UMD: Please click here for more information.

Sister Courses: CMSC398B, CMSC398C, CMSC398D, CMSC398E, CMSC398F, CMSC398G, CMSC398I, CMSC398J, CMSC398K, CMSC398L, CMSC398N, CMSC398Q, CMSC398R

Fall 2024

153 reviews
Average rating: 3.37

Spring 2024

153 reviews
Average rating: 3.37

Past Semesters

153 reviews
Average rating: 3.37

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.