Reviews for CMSC457

Information Review
Xiaodi Wu

Professor Wu has very high expectations for the course. Although programming projects are straightforward, homeworks are very difficult without knowledge of certain linear algebra tricks that aren't taught in class. Fortunately some of the homework problems are straight from the readings. Focus on the homeworks for the exams. There is a group project, ensure that everyone in the group does their fair share. The cutoff for an A is pretty high (95% I think). Although you can do well this class with the minimum math prerequisites, I wouldn't recommend it unless you are more than just merely curious about quantum computing.
Xiaodi Wu

Expecting an A
Quite a difficult course. I'd suggest taking MATH405 prior, and having familiarity with the theorems in chapters 8 and 10 of Hoffman and Kunze. Professor Wu is above-average in communicating concepts. He doesn't just regurgitate from a single book, and pulls from a lot of different texts; so the class is definitely not boring. He can be unapproachable at times, but he does encourage participation and asking questions.