Computer Processing of Pictorial Information

Prerequisite: CMSC420. Input, output, and storage of pictorial information. Pictures as information sources, efficient encoding, sampling, quantization, approximation. Position-invariant operations on pictures, digital and optical implementations, the pax language, applications to matched and spatial frequency filtering. Picture quality, image enhancement and image restoration. Picture properties and pictorial pattern recognition. Processing of complex pictures; figure extraction, properties of figures. Data structures for pictures description and manipulation; picture languages. Graphics systems for alphanumeric and other symbols, line drawings of two- and three-dimensional objects, cartoons and movies.

Spring 2024

27 reviews
Average rating: 2.30

Past Semesters

27 reviews
Average rating: 2.30

9 reviews
Average rating: 3.78

13 reviews
Average rating: 2.31

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.