Reviews for EALL300

Information Review
Samuel Ramsey

Expecting an A+
This guy is the most chill professor ever. Since the class was virtual, he made the grade based solely on small and easy weekly assignments. The workload was almost nonexistent and I really appreciated it. He's retiring, so unfortunately the class might not be offered again - but if it is, this class is amazing for fulfilling your DVUP requirement. The material is also interesting for those that don't know much about East Asia.
Samuel Ramsey

Are lectures dry? Yes. Does he want you to regurgitate his viewpoints? Probably, but I'm willing to set aside these flaws because he's a very kind and forgiving professor. I had it really rough this semester and essentially fell behind on most of the work. After talking with him, not only did he accept my work late, he did so with no deductions. If that isn't a good teacher, I dont know what is.
Samuel Ramsey

Expecting a B
Lectures are dry. He doesn't like people who disagree/challenge his opinions, and you can clearly see this in lectures. I'd recommend taking an AAST course over this one, unless you really need this course.
Samuel Ramsey

Expecting an A
Professor Ramsey is pretty cool. He is definitely passionate and knowledgeable about his subject. He likes for people to get involved in discussions in the class. There are a few 20 point quizzes that you are told about in advance and the midterm is very fair. It is an interesting class and a very fair amount of work. In my opinion, a great option for a linguistics class to complete an East Asian language minor.