Reviews for ECON327

Information Review
Erkut Ozbay

Expecting an A+
Very boring lectures, easy class where HWs and exams are graded very generously. HWs are full of typos, confusing, and the solutions do not clarify anything bc it's just a student's submission that is littered with wrong answers and miscalculations.
Erkut Ozbay

Expecting an A
There are only three assignments in the class outside of exams (i.e., two midterms and a final). Each assignment is reviewed in class by the TA BEFORE the submission deadline. So, if you attend class, you will be well-prepared for both the assignments and the exams. Ozbay is receptive to student feedback and even changed the exam structure this semester after being asked. The exams are extremely fair, and the class medians for both midterms were 85 and higher. Thus, there is no curve. The final is not cumulative and is basically just a third midterm. Overall, this course has a light workload, has interesting content, and is more than manageable — highly recommend.
Erkut Ozbay

Expecting an A+
Genuinely interesting lectures. Class started off really easy but the math snuck up on people as the semester went on. He doesn't try to trick you on exams.
Erkut Ozbay

Expecting a B
Not great, not bad. The class itself is harder than most other Econ 300 level requirements. If you study hard you'll pass.Dont expect an A though.
Erkut Ozbay

Expecting a C+
Professor Ozbay's teaching style isn't the worst. He explains concepts in an okay manner in my opinion. Behavioral Econ is a more quantitative class than qualitative surprisingly, which I believe throws students off guard when signing up for the course. My main issue with Ozbay isn't how he teaches, it's his personality that rubs me and my fellow students the wrong way. He's mostly arrogant about how he knows so much compared to what you know. Asking questions via email and or during office hours is met with scoffs and unresponsiveness. He would be much better suited for a position as a pure researcher than teaching in my opinion. Also, the TA was a bit rude as well. Going over the homework was mostly a quick rundown. He tells you the right answer instead of why that is. I found it funny he didn't even grade the homework either, he had another person do it for him haha. The class itself is a bit challenging. Three homework are 30% of your grade. Then two tests and a final which lead to 70% of the rest of your grade. If you mess up on one test it'll diminish your opportunity to get an A significantly. Overall, I'd avoid taking this class to satisfy the Econ 300 level requirement. You're better off taking Econ 317, 354, and 330 as your option. Those classes are way more practical and career-relevant than behavioral econ.
Erkut Ozbay

Expecting a B-
Professor Ozbay knows his stuff. I will give him great credit for that. However, he's the type of professor I would advise staying away from. Ozbay is the kind of professor that, at the end of the day, is a pompous intellectual socialite. He knows that he's smarter than his students and is proud of it as well. He barley responds to emails and is very rude in regards to coming to his office hours. Overall, he cares more about his research at UMD then teaching students. The class itself is mostly probability and some lights calc/algebra, its more quantitative then qualitative which caught many people in the course off guard. There were 3 homeworks, 2 exams, and a final. The first exam was easy, but they get harder as the semester progressed. The TA was also pretty unhelpful and was also arrogant in his mannerisms. He didnt even grade the homeworks and exams, he had someone else do it for him, and only showed up to explain the review for the homework and tests (barley) for like 15 minutes. If you are a Econ major and think this class is solid to take, I would advise not to. You have a better shot at getting a better grade in ECON317 or Econ 330, not to mention that those classes are way more useful in terms of material then behavioral economics. Overall, Ozbay is smart and if you put a great deal of time into the class, you will pass. But the majority of students will end up falling into the C and B range by the end of the semester, its not worth the stress.