Reviews for ECON417

Information Review
Jessica Goldberg

Expecting a C
Extremely nice professor. Accommodating. Class is difficult, and the problem sets are even harder than exams. If you go to her office hours, she will help you. Also hands out gold stars in class for answering simple questions. I had to submit a request for academic support due to an incident that happened outside of class and she accommodated it immediately. A good prof for a hard class.
Sergio Urzua

Definitely demanding but also passionate about the subject. I think this was his first time teaching ECON417 and his expectations were very high for the undergraduate level. The final grade was based on 4 time-intensive problem sets and 2 written exams. The grading was fair but the content was difficult. That said, Dr. Urzua is willing to help you if you ask for it. He is responsive to emails, has accessible office hours, and is willing to re-teach a concept in class if you communicate that you're confused. His problem sets are also collaborative, which is very helpful. This class is open to BA and BS students and working together helped fill in everyone's knowledge gaps. Even if you don't earn the highest grade on your transcript, I would recommend a class with Dr. Urzua. He definitely prepares you to work or study further in the field. I can probably code Stata in my sleep now, and his focus on the applications (not just theory) of econometrics made the class way more interesting than ECON422.