Reviews for ECON460

Information Review
Andrew Sweeting

Expecting an A
Dr. Sweeting is extremely knowledgeable about the entire field of Industrial Organization since it is his research area. This class was a great opportunity to actually learn from an established IO researcher and it was well worth it for me. This class is technical compared to other undergraduate ECON classes so if you are not comfortable interpreting math and models it will be difficult. However, if you do have a strong math/technical background I would highly suggest this course. The course covers many different IO models and Dr. Sweeting does a great job at providing intuition behind the models during the lectures and you usually work through solving the models in the problem set yourself. The content was engaging and definitely influenced how I think about markets and modern companies.
Andrew Sweeting

This guys way too smart to be teaching an undergrad course and his grading system is wack. Everyone in the class right now has a failing grade and there’s no TA to get help from for the absurdly hard problem sets
Andrew Sweeting

Genuinely do not take this class. The average grade in this class is currently an F. Everyone is miserable. Don't take it.