Reviews for EDHD430

Information Review
Robert Marcus

Expecting an A
Dr. Marcus is a very nice old guy. He's very lenient and grades easily; I often talked to him after class. I think he's an okay teacher, but most students agree he's on the boring side and talks slowly. He teaches us like we're little kids in a way (that's his style, it's not demeaning, but it doesn't really want to make you listen). He doesn't allow laptops in class, but I used technology (iPad and cell phone) anyway. I didn't like the way he structured the course - it felt very one-sided. You would think a hot topic like gun violence/gun control would be really interesting to talk about; however, we didn't really talk about the side against gun control at all in this class. Dr. Marcus was very pro-gun control, guns are to blame, etc. He said theories worked based on his experience and he did have some interesting stories to tell from his work as a clinical psychologist or something. He was receptive to student concerns though and is a nice guy. While I'm more on the side of agreeing with him, I think the class wasn't representative of the whole issue. The discussion in the class was not stimulating - he was mainly talking at us and going through his slides slowly. Most of the time, I was very bored in class. He posts the lectures online. He would show us these extremely outdated videos in class that were cringe-worthy. The lectures are mostly about the models of prevention, theories of development of violence, things that incur risk. It was all pretty basic...and made boring by Dr. Marcus. Nice guy, but a little biased and definitely boring. As for difficulty - easy for the most part, but the lecture exam is online and actually very tricky. You can only answer one question at a time and once you answer it, you can't go back... the average was a low B after he gave us points back. There was a 20 question MC quiz on ELMS as well, same format. It was tricky, but he gave us many points back on it. There is one research paper for the class, but it's honestly very easy and you have checkpoints. The final is easy - you get the prompts ahead of time and he randomly picks one. Overall simple class. Boring material. Nice teacher. Easy A/B.