Reviews for EDSP470

Information Review
Stuti Gupta

Expecting an A+
This class is super easy though can be dry and not interesting. It was 2 hours and 45 minutes on Mondays and attendance is required and no zoom option. During class, she lectured about a different disability each week. There are no tests/quizzes/projects/assignments related to the information she lectures about, so there is no need to pay full attention / take notes. The only assignments we had were listening to podcasts and writing short reflections on them, finding an article in the news about anything to do with any disability and summarizing/reflecting on the article in 1 paragraph, and doing an online module about different disabilities though an online module (easy and never graded on the information after). The only difficult assignment was our final paper which was analyzing a show/movie/book that includes a person with a disability. There is no final otherwise. Overall, this class is easy and does not require a significant amount of work at all, but it is boring.
Cameron Butler

Expecting an A+
Nicest professor ever. Super understanding and always willing to help out. Great professor and person, highly recommend class.
Yang Fu

Expecting an A+
Very nice professor and always provides resources for extra help if information is unclear. Very easy to communicate with and approach if there are any concerns about the class. She is also always considerate about different possible circumstances someone might have
Sara Pepkin Dataram

Expecting an A+
Professor Pepkin is a super sweet person and lenient with grading. If you get a few points knocked off your grade for the IRIS Module, which seldom happens, she'll explain why in detail in the comments. There's also no final exam. The final is an essay where you provide the accuracy of which a disability is portrayed through a film and you need 4 peer reviews to back up your opinion. Many people didn't attend lectures but she does grade participation, so it's highly recommended to attend but not required to pass. Also no textbook is required. The only complaint is that she can seem nervous while teaching that she won't give you eye contact and lectures are mainly her reading from her slides. Overall, Professor Pepkin's class was straightforward and you'll get an A if you complete all of the assignments.
Jason Chow

Expecting an A+
Professor Chow was a solid professor. He's a really nice and understanding professor and is passionate about the topics he's teaching. My only qualm was that he went to Singapore for about a month in the middle of the course. He told us ahead of time so it was no surprise to us, but his TA and guest lecturers taught instead and it did feel like I was missing out as Professor Chow is a really good lecturer. The assignments are very straight forward and I would recommend this course to anyone needing an informative yet laid back upper level elective.
Tasha Harris

Expecting an A
The class is fine. Prof. Harris is nice and approachable, but very unorganized. Takes forever to grade and provides grading criteria and rubrics that are too vague for how harsh she grades certain assignments. Class isn't hard but you have to attend lectures for credit. She champions herself for being accessible outside of class, but weeks will go by where she ignores every student email. All that being said, I would not discourage anyone from taking this class and Prof. Harris does want her students to succeed.
Jason Chow

Expecting an A
I love Professor Chow, he's super laid back and the assignments are really straightforward. There's usually one assignment due each week, sometimes two depending on the week, but it's super easy. There's no exams or quizzes, just a final paper where you have to analyze the portrayal of a character with a disability.
Leslie Page-Voth

Expecting a B+
Great professor who makes a subject interesting. The work was challenging but definitely one of the best classes I have ever taken.
Tori Page-Voth

Nice and helpful professor.
Deanna Collins

Expecting an A
Very kind person, you know she cares about her students and what she does. I had her for an online course which you can tell is hard for her; but a lot of the content became very disorganized (contradicting info on syllabus, multiple places to submit assignments, unpublished modules, etc), so if you can't organize yourself, she's probably not the best professor to take- I'm sure it would be different in person. Overall, she delivers the content well and makes sure everyone understands; makes the assignments very reasonable.
Leslie Page-Voth

Expecting an A+
Great professor. Super easy grader and does a good job teaching a thought-provoking subject.
Cameron Butler

Expecting an A+
Funny and makes the class interesting. Leaves 15 minutes early every class. Easy A