Reviews for ENAE432

Information Review
Robert Sanner

Expecting a B-
His lectures are practically useless as all he does is read off his presentation slides that he shared before class which is nice if you don't want to have to go to class but bad otherwise. Additionally, he always sounds mad when someone asks a question during class removing what could be the last reason to actually come to class, especially since they are in the morning. His lecture notes can be pretty confusing and sometimes incomplete which is a pain since there is no textbook to cross reference them with. Due to all this, I spent the entire semester terrified that I was going to fail this course but somehow managed to pull out a decent grade, largely thanks to the TAs who were truly working overtime to answer questions and help with homework. Unfortunately he was the only professor teaching this course last semester and I'm pretty sure that a constant so good luck and go to the TAs office hours.
Robert Sanner

Expecting an A
This is a class that will make you work for your grade and Dr. Sanner knows it. He is very good about clearly describing the course in the syllabus and he has been teaching this class for several years and has gotten very good at it. He may be the best professor in the Aerospace department.
Robert Sanner

Expecting an A
A lot of people will say that Sanner is an a$$ and has a huge ego, and I agree, that's how he comes across in a classroom setting. But he does that because he's not going to put up with students $hit. In class he is extremely straightforward and will write down everything you need to know. I can read through my notes and it's almost like being in class because he's extremely meticulous about his details and writes exactly the way he talks. I went to Sanner a few times to discuss the final project he gives and he was way nicer than he would seem. As long as you try, and show him that you've attempted to understand what he wants you to do, he's extremely nice and helpful. I sat with him a few times and showed him what I had done and how I had attempted to solve the problem and the logic behind it, and he was very very helpful. Go in expecting to be told what to do and expecting answers without putting in the work and obviously he's not going to be that kind. As much as I despised his class during the semester (I'm not so hot at controls/programming) I really liked the class in retrospect and I have a lot of respect for Sanner. The guy is a genius
Robert Sanner

Expecting a B
Most people need help with homeworks, so form study groups. Dr. Sanner is rather condescending if you seek homework help from him. His lectures are sometimes entertaining, and he gives lots of notes, but the notes are often not enough information to do homework. He moves through material quickly. He does curve though. I had a lot of 50%s on homeworks and 70%s on quizzes, but as long as you try, you should pass.