Reviews for ENAE441

Information Review
Liam Healy

Expecting a B+
If you don’t know how to teach yourself, you will not do well in this class. There are a lot of comments that the textbook is not well organized, and while that is partially true if you can use ctrl-f you can find anything that you really need. Homework’s are generally straightforward, however the exams are brutal. Expect to stay up at least two nights in advance writing matlab, as this course is extremely code-heavy and this will also be true of the exams as well. My best advice is to look over the matlab solutions for the homeworks and prepare general functions that can complete the types of problems in the hw, however be prepared to swap inputs/outputs, encounter edge cases on exams etc. If you are able to teach yourself from a textbook well lecture will be useless to you. Healy kinda just reads from the book with very little outside context or examples. He does however post his lectures which can be helpful with homeworks. Last piece of advice I’ll give is go on the steam website and purchase yourself kerbal space program. It was absolutely instrumental in solidifying a lot of the concepts from 404 as well as this course, at least for me.
Liam Healy

Expecting a B-
The material in this class is genuinely not as hard as Controls but the class is equally as frustrating because of the horrible lecturing, brutal exam structure, and punishing grade distribution. Healy lectures by taking screenshots from the textbook and explains the material less cohesively than the textbook itself. This made it difficult to learn anything outside of doing the homework, all in MATLAB, while reading the book. If you have to take this class STUDY FOR THE EXAMS even though they are open note. They were 25% of the final grade each, with only a few questions, so a single mistake or two on a question can lose you 5-10% of your TOTAL GRADE. The project was also a confusing mess where we had to redo our work multiple times because we weren’t sure what he wanted from us, in the end everyone got a similar mediocre score from 80-90. Genuinely my least enjoyable class I have time in my time at UMD. I cant believe I passed, I got lucky with what I studied ending up on the exam.
Liam Healy

Expecting a B+
This class had the lowest in-person and total attendance I have ever seen. I believe this is because Dr. Healy was not an effective teacher. The way to succeed in this course is to write out MATLAB code before each exam based on what you believe might be on it. Because the grading on exams is sometimes quite brutal, you must make sure you do not make errors. The exams are not a measure of your intelligence but rather a measure of how well you can navigate through the book and how much code you wrote before the exam. For example, if you believe there may be a trilateration question on an exam, write out working trilateration code before the exam. Make sure to have the textbook open for the whole exam and get ready to hit ctrl+f quite a bit as you search for specific equations in the book. The homeworks are of a large range of difficulty with some of them being a breeze and others being close to impossible. The range of time I personally spent on completing them were between 1 hour and 14 hours. The MATLAB "application" called SNAG-app that Dr. Healy made is very difficult to use and has servers that sometimes go down. The final project in the class has a MATLAB code portion that took me 25 minutes to run each time which wouldn't be an issue if his app didn't keep timing out and causing errors halfway through running. I have never considered a course to be painful until now, but this course was that for me. Not very hard but extremely brutal and unforgiving.
Liam Healy

Expecting a B+
Dr. Healy is one of those professors who I think splits their time between being a professor here and working at a different location for research/testing. He therefore, albeit very responsive to emails and was very reasonable with me to his credit, seems to be less focused on teaching, which comes across as he simply writes main points from his textbook on the chalkboard as his lecture style. Homeworks in this class are typically deviously simple, where you will absolutely trip up is on the midterm. No amount of studying helped me significantly with that midterm and it really caused quite a stir in our class once grades were released. He isn't the best professor in terms of conveying the material in his book, and often times the concepts that were pretty well defined in 404 become a lot more confusing. This is especially true for HCW relative motion maneuvers (not the state definitions, calculating delta-v here is not in his textbook and the method he presents will only become clear to you once you do it a few times) and once you get to probability and Kalman filters and least squares it gets kinda wild. All things considered though, the class content is interesting, and if you're one of the people who completely bombs the midterm outright there is a slight chance you will have the opportunity to take the much more lenient and simplified version taught by Dr. Marcus
Liam Healy

Expecting a B+
Not a good professor. Just reads from his book, which is not very well organized. You spend a lot of time re-learning material from ENAE404 in ways that are a lot less clear. Exams are open book but unfair and include material not covered in class, in the book, or in homework.
Liam Healy

Expecting an A-
Not a great professor. He doesn't really teach and his exams can cover any number of topics that you probably didn't study because he did not go over it in class. Good luck. Less of a review of Healy: Take the aero track because you will avoid Akin. If you want to do space in your career going aero will still be the better choice.