Reviews for ENAE457

Information Review
Raymond Sedwick

I literally had the worst ever experience in his space propulsion class. The fact that you have to write up notes from his videos, and you have to write down everything word by word is beyond disgusting. Everyone learns differently, and this just don't benefit some students (like you are just trying to get the notes done to get a perfect score for the notes instead of trying to comprehend the concepts behind the notes) to learn effectively. Also he doesn't allow you to bring any formula sheets (or even provide any formulas) on the exams, which you also have to memorize all of the difficult formulas by heart, heavily defeats the purpose for learning these concepts.
Raymond Sedwick

Expecting an A
He can come off a bit snarky but understand that he really is quite helpful and is receptive to student concerns and questions. Very concise and to-the-point notes from lecture. He doesn’t really big you down with things you don’t need. The only thing is the homeworks are pretty hard but exams are significantly easier.
Raymond Sedwick

Expecting an A
Had him for both 464 and 457. His 457 is excellent. His notes are self-contained and you really learn alot in his propulsions course. As long as you put the effort in this course you should get an A. for 464, it was his first time teaching it and it was a bit rough. He tried to go off Dr. Yu's syllabus but didn't seem to do to well at that. The lab reports were long and tedious. However, grading was generous and more than 3/4's of the class got A's. Definitely worth the effort.
Raymond Sedwick

Expecting an A
Average professor, really. Not great, but not bad. He gets an extra star for not making us take a final exam, which was nice.