Launch and Entry Vehicle Design

Prerequisite: ENAE601. Design of aerospace vehicles for atmospheric transit to and from space. Generic formulation of atmospheric flight dynamics. Ballistic and lifting entry trajectories. Estimation of vehicle aerodynamic properties and aerothermodynamic heating. Entry thermal protection design. Trajectory analysis of sounding rockets and orbital launch vehicles. Serial, parallel, and hybrid multistaging schemes, optimal multistaging. Constrained trajectory optimization. Launch vehicle economic and reliability analysis, flight termination systems, sensors and actuators.

Spring 2024

19 reviews
Average rating: 2.47

Past Semesters

19 reviews
Average rating: 2.47

19 reviews
Average rating: 2.47

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.