Reviews for ENCE300

Information Review
Dimitrios Goulias

Expecting a B+
Goulias: Unclear: He has a strong accent that is sometimes hard to decipher. He had very small handwriting not easily visible from even halfway back in the classroom. Boring: The 2 hour lecture associated with this class killed me. It was very dry, even Goulias seemed bored by the material. Unreasonable: My group submitted our lab report in PDF format instead of a word document. Since we also submitted it hard copy, and that was where all the comments were made, we figured it would be ok. Little did we know that this was an offence that went "beyond understanding, excuses and reasons" so our group must "suffer the consequences." Bizarre: We had to take the exams in pen. Still haven't figured out why. Everyone's paper was a mess of scribbles and crossings out. Math should be done in pencil. For each exam, you get a letter grade, A, B, C, or D. Once I got a C by getting one problem completely right and the other completely wrong. I got a B for the same breakdown on the next exam. Unfair: He said our lab report grades were too high. The class average was a 95%. So he downcurved everyone, but only told us that on the very last day of classes. The Class: 50% of the class is Goulias lecturing, the other 50% is lab. Lab is so much fun, and super easy. My TA was wonderful, clear, fun, and engaging. One lecture she taught the class and we all learned so much more than when Goulias teaches. In lab, you weight things, watch things break, and mix things. Mostly you chill with the rest of the students in your lab section waiting for it to be your turn. Only one lab took the whole time, almost always we got out an hour early.
Dimitrios Goulias

Expecting a C-
I did not end up with the grade I expected. The teacher was very vague about his grading scale. He told us that if you got below a certain amount you got a C on the first exam, once finals came around the then said that your exam grade is not curved. Which was contradictory from what he said on the midterm. I got an A in lab, but somehow barely scraped by in this class. He's extremely boring to listen to and it's not informative. Everything he goes over is literally in the book. The lab TAs were much more helpful than the professor.
Dimitrios Goulias

The lectures are sooo boring. 2 hours of him flipping through powerpoint too fast to take any notes. For whatever reason this semester he decided to not give any homework and just give quizzes every week. 50% of the class gets a 0, its ridiculous. Plus he sweats profusely and adds all his female students on facebook, so inappropriate. So glad he isn't my advisor.
Dimitrios Goulias

Expecting a B+
This class is boring as hell. Every lecture it was two hours of powerpoints. It was beyond horrible. Labs are okay. The TAs are nice. Since you will have 5-6 people per group, there's not enough work to go around so you will be probably just be standing there watching other people do work.
Dimitrios Goulias

Expecting an A
This is for ENCE300- Kim section (I couldn't review for him specifically). Its a really boring lecture, but just pay attention to the things that he says to pay attention to. Put some effort into talking to him outside of class, and do the homework to get extra credit. It can be tricky, but its not the hardest class ever. Lab is really straigh forward, just put effort into the reports. This class isn't that bad. Isn't really time consuming, Lecture you can miss frequently..
Dimitrios Goulias

Expecting an A
Powerpoint ad nauseum. Labs are fun, with some work, class is mind-numbing.