Reviews for ENCE420

Information Review
Miroslaw Skibniewski

This is NOT a class you will want to take as an elective. Especially if Skibniewski is teaching it. He has a great passion for the construction industry; however, he does not teach you anything. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND not taking any course with him as he reads over power points, the homework assignments are hard and does't teach you what he expects to be completed on the homework. The book is not much help either. The class is also extremely boring. STAY AWAY FROM 420!
Miroslaw Skibniewski

Expecting a C
2.5 hours of him reading off the powerpoints, none of which is related to the homework. Homeworks and tests are hard. No cheat sheet and he expects you to know memorize the book. If i had the chance, I would not take this class again. Class average ended up being a C. He did nothing to curve it. Since this class was an elective, it was a little irritating that he was being such a harsh grader. TAKE ANY OTHER PROJECT MANAGEMENT CLASS OTHER THAN THIS.