Reviews for ENCE431

Information Review
Richard McCuen

Expecting an A-
Dr. McCuen is an excellent professor. He truly wants the best of his students and expects the calibre of work to be of the highest level, which is understandable since 431 is a senior level, design oriented class. Every topic covered has relevance to field work/design. Homeworks and projects were tough but necessary in order to be able to understand the material. This was a great course!
Richard McCuen

Skating by is not an option in his class. The minimum you can do and still pass is still a lot. This is all done for a reason though. His ultimate goal is for you to learn your stuff. Get ready for nightly homeworks, projects, and manageable (stressful nonetheless) tests. One of UMD's finest teachers. Talk to him any day of the week and he will help you. On a bad note, he does favor female engineers.
Richard McCuen

FANTASTIC PROFESSOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Teaches the material in a clear, concise way. Combines both theoretical and applied topics in hydrologic engineering, better preparing us for the real world