Information Technologies for Project Managers

Introduction to various information technology (IT) and automation-based solutions for project managers in capital project industries, including IT and automation tools for major life-cycle stages of a project: planning, design, fabrication/construction, operation, maintenance, retrofit and demolition/recycling. Both established and experimental approaches and tools will be covered. Building/Product Information Modeling software, sensing devices, field data acquisition and processing for project controls, status reporting, materials and equipment management, environmental monitoring, work-site safety and facility operations and management will be presented and analyzed. Web-based project management software solutions and applications for mobile devices such as tablets and smart phones will be featured in classroom presentations and materials provided to the students. Real project case studies from project-based firms will be used to illustrate the feasibility and usability of the tools presented in class. Students will be expected to acquire hands-on knowledge and experience with selected tools of particular interest in support of their future career paths.

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