Topics in Electrophysics; Introduction to Quantum Technology
Prerequisite: MATH141 and MATH240 or equivalent. Recommended: Students need not have taken a course on quantum mechanics; however, students should be comfortable with: probability theory, Markov chains, complex numbers, quantum states, measurements, unitary operations, matrix algebra, Pauli matrices, the tensor product, waves, the harmonic oscillator, the quantum harmonic oscillator, and the Schrodinger equation. Cross-listed with ENEE489B Credit granted for PHYS467 or ENEE489B. Investigates the physical systems used to implement quantum computers. Covers basics of atomic clocks, laser interferometers, quantum key distribution, quantum networks, and three types of qubits (ion-based, superconductor-based, and semiconductor-based).
Sister Courses: ENEE489A, ENEE489E, ENEE489F, ENEE489I, ENEE489J, ENEE489L, ENEE489M, ENEE489N, ENEE489Q, ENEE489R, ENEE489W, ENEE489Y, ENEE489Z
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