Reviews for ENGL384

Information Review
Michael Israel

Expecting an A+
This was the most utterly pointless class I have ever taken. I feel bad for Professor Israel because he seems so interested in a subject nobody else cares about in the slightest. This class supposedly had a whopping 5 students, although only 1-3 ever showed up. Do NOT take this class unless you have a keen interest in grammar as it relates to linguistics, otherwise it will do more harm than good. If for some reason you do take this class, be warned that the assignments are extremely tedious, take hours, are under-explained in class, and have very little to do with what you actually discuss in class. The assignments are torturous, the lectures are incomprehensible, and my life is no better off having taken this course.
Michael Israel

You should definitely take ENG384 if you hate yourself. Nothing against Professor Israel. He's an ok guy and I guess he does what he can to teach such an awful subject but the class is probably the equivalent of torture. Concepts of Grammar is the biggest waste of time I have ever sat through for an entire semester. I've never hated linguistics more than I do after completing this course. Not that I ever liked linguistics, but I didn't really have a problem with it until now. Let me be clear, you think you know grammar but you don't. I promise you that. This class isn't just commas and apostrophes, it's words I've never even heard of in my life. Sentence constructs that even google can't explain. Unless this all sounds super fun to you (I could never understand why), do NOT take this class. Trust me, you will regret it.