Reviews for ENGL466

Information Review
Kellie Robertson

Expecting an A
Dr. Kellie Robertson is a fantastic professor. She is an entertaining lecturer and cares about her students and their input; lectures had a lot of discussion and she was very responsive in email. She does not post grades on Canvas but returns assignments and exams (temporarily) to you with a grade and feedback. The class: - There is a lot of reading: often 100 pages or more per class (twice per week). The readings were interesting, and you can read summaries if you are short on time for some classes. - I knew next to nothing about Arthurian legend before the course. It was not approached in an intimidating way, and I learned a lot by the end of the class. - The class material consisted of five books (to buy/rent) and some shorter material accessible online through the Canvas page. - Pop quizzes: there were (supposed to be) occasional pop quizzes on the readings. Our class only had one, but this might change in the future. - Exams: there are 3 midterm exams. They were not cumulative, and the grading was fair (even generous). There is no final exam. - The final: the final was a presentation. It was a Pecha Kucha (timed presentation) on a topic of our choice that connected one or more readings to scholarly research. I would highly recommend taking Dr. Robertson!