Reviews for ENME272
Information | Review |
Mohammad Fazelpour
ENME272 Expecting an A+ Anonymous 01/30/2025 |
He's really easy, but his lectures are incredibly boring. The class can be entirely self-taught and is all common sense. The homeworks are very tedious. |
Mohammad Fazelpour
ENME272 Expecting an A+ Anonymous 01/20/2025 |
For context, I took the winter session. It was hella fast. As long as you know how to CAD and have previous experience, you should be fine. Learning the Solidworks interface for the first time was a bit confusing and it took me a couple of days to figure everything out. The homework is extremely detailed but easy enough. As long as you do all of the homework and practice exams, you should be totally fine. He's more than happy to answer questions or repeat how I made something. He was inconsistent with his office hours though. 2 tips for winter session people. 1st, download Solidworks AND Autodesk Inventor a week before class. You'll most likely have to get your educational status re-verified and it'll take a long time. 2nd, if you can, have another screen/monitor. It's a LIFESAVER! You can have the live Zoom demo on one and the full-screen Solidworks on another which is super helpful if you aren't familiar with the interface. |
David Kriesberg
ENME272 Expecting an A Anonymous 12/18/2024 |
David was a very kind and understanding teacher, and always explained things as needed and would go back in certain topics when he could tell people were confused. I had 0 CAD experience and he made it easy to learn. Highly recommend taking him. |
Mohammad Fazelpour
ENME272 Expecting an A+ Anonymous 12/15/2024 |
He's a nice person, just nitpicky on the smallest things. It sucks that his lectures are at 8 am because it's hard to stay engaged. If you paid attention to lecture/knew what you were doing, homeworks don't take too long. Exams are very easy; the 1st one was 3d modeling & drawings while the 2nd one was FEAs and assemblies. The personal project was very easy, they graded very lenient, and you had a month to do it. The only problem was the group project: he just put us into random groups instead of putting out a form to see at least if people had similar schedules so that it could be easy to meet up. My group struggled to meet up and it was difficult getting all of our dimensions to match up... Oh, he also has an accent that's not too bad but can be a little difficult at times. |
Mohammad Fazelpour
ENME272 Expecting an A Anonymous 12/03/2024 |
Not an amazing teacher, but not bad either. Veeeeery mediocre. If you can get through the accent you will do fine. Try to not skip too too many lectures though, for some people it caught them pretty bad. The 8am nature sucked though. Exams were easy, personal project was a cakewalk, but the final group project was painful beyond words. He doesn't release the rubric till the last second and you scramble the entire time with a group that you don't choose. He also is terrible at responding to emails sometimes. Can be annoying but just utilize the TA's instead if you can. |
David Kriesberg
ENME272 Expecting an A Anonymous 11/29/2024 |
He is a very nice guy and a good professor as well. Goes through class content and has slides that can be used as notes for the homework. If you come in with 0 CAD knowledge, the homework will take a long time but it very important for getting better as CAD. As others have said, try to do the homework with others, and use the class GroupMe for help. Office hours are good and exams, although difficult in the moment, are graded very fairly. Easy to understand, and very reasonable guy (gives extensions, lenient about due dates, etc.) and would recommend. |
David Kriesberg
ENME272 Expecting a B Anonymous 11/25/2024 |
Pretty good professor. I came in with 0 CAD knowledge which made the first homework assignments take me over 10 or 15 hours a week. After around the 7th week I understood the topic more and the homework became much easier. Kriesburg is a good teacher and explains the concepts well. Often ends class early and allows students to ask questions. First midterm was pretty hard but 2nd was very comprehensive. Grading is overly fair in this class in my opinion, I sometimes should have received much worse grades. Would recommend for sure. |
David Kriesberg
ENME272 Expecting an A- Anonymous 06/09/2024 |
Chill guy, good professor. The homework grading in 272 was overly strict imo, but I imagine that's just how the course goes and not Kriesberg's fault. Would recommend. |
David Kriesberg
ENME272 Expecting an A+ Anonymous 05/23/2024 |
Professor Kriesberg is definitely a better teacher than Fazzelpour so if you can take him. Fazzelpour although actually better at CAD, is hard to understand because of his accent and is a harder grader. Fazzelpours tests are also much harder, Kriesberg's tests were the same for both of his sections and were relatively easy. Kriesberg sometimes got lost or forgot how to fix something in CAD but it wasn't that bad. He also let us out of class almost always 30ish minutes early which was great because this class is at 8 am. The homework and tests are very harshly graded so make sure you are very specific and review everything at least twice (try to do the homework with someone else if you aren't that good at CAD) Everyone gets an A on the project as long as you try and actually do what they want (doesn't need to be perfect). The first test is harder than the second, so definitely do all the practice they give you if you have no previous experience (like I did). You should like this class (voted best class at ASME by all juniors and seniors) MechE's do a lot of CAD so I would be worried if you don't like making CAD at all, not that it isn't hard, just that it should be satisfying and that you should want to learn more of it. You also can get certified at the end (CSWA exam) which if you get an A and do the practice test it isn't hard (good resume booster) although you have to come back a week after finals to take it. |
David Kriesberg
ENME272 Expecting an A+ Anonymous 05/07/2024 |
Class is not the most fun or very interesting, but he is a nice guy who will do his best to accommodate you. |
Mohammad Fazelpour
ENME272 Expecting an A- Anonymous 05/06/2024 |
Solid professor overall. Kind of hard to understand lectures, but he posts the slides and is very knowledgeble. The class has pretty strict grading policies, like senselessly specific about every single center line per drawing, but fine overall. Attendance was not required either which was great. |
Mohammad Fazelpour
ENME272 Expecting an A Anonymous 01/20/2024 |
I recommend Professor Fazelpour for this class. Overall I found the parts we had to build for homework fun, even if they could sometimes get frustrating. Highly suggest going to his virtual office hours as that really helps as the homework gets tougher (he does tend to grade homework a bit harshly, so getting his help can be beneficial). Also - go to class! There are graded in-class assignments occasionally, and he also will go over how to do that week's homework. Final project (CAD model a system of your choice) is a lot of fun and he grades the final very generously. |
David Kriesberg
ENME272 Expecting an A+ Anonymous 12/26/2023 |
Great professor and really cares about teaching well and prioritizing how well students learn above prioritizing some bad grades they had in the past when it comes to final scores. Cares about people doing their part in group projects. |
Mohammad Fazelpour
ENME272 Expecting an A Anonymous 12/21/2023 |
His class is pretty standard, go to class when there's in-class assignments. The homeworks take a decent amount of time each week but they're due before class not the night before. We had a helpful ta, and the professor both were responsive over email. His exams weren't too bad but some people did find them difficult. There's a group project at the end of the semester, seriously try to meet up not the night right before, it's gonna take longer than you think. |
David Kriesberg
ENME272 Expecting an A- Anonymous 12/20/2023 |
If he senses something wrong he'll take off points, and grading is a bit of a mess in this class. Other than that, he's a super chill and understanding guy and would definitely recommend. |
Ryan Smith
ENME272 Anonymous 09/14/2023 |
Literally decided to not teach the section days before class, and got Fazelpour who is terrible. |
Mohammad Fazelpour
ENME272 Anonymous 09/13/2023 |
Goes too fast in lecture, HW and activities are rediculous. |
Ryan Smith
ENME272 Expecting an A Anonymous 05/08/2023 |
I had no prior CAD experience which made it tough for me to complete the first homeworks and in class assignment. But after going to his office hours he was extremely helpful and takes time during lectures to make sure everyone is caught up and understands everything. The homeworks were easy but time consuming so just start them early. Overall this class gave me a new love of CAD definitely take this professor. |
Mohammad Fazelpour
ENME272 Expecting an A Anonymous 04/12/2023 |
I took this course last semester. Honestly as long as you have a little prior experience in CAD, you don't even need to attend the painfully early 8 am lectures. I went to maybe 4 lectures at most and ended up with an A in the class |
Ryan Smith
ENME272 Expecting an A Anonymous 05/20/2022 |
Smith is kind of annoying about the group project, and will not help at all if your teammates slack. Otherwise he knows his stuff and is all too happy to answer any questions. He moves a reasonable pace, and I didn't pay attention for a lot of it because I've had prior CAD experience. From what I've heard, much better than Fazelpour. Solidworks can be frustrating at times, but the assignments are so easy, it should not be problematic. However, be sure to check that all of your submittables are complying with his rubric of demands. Personally, I suggest you use your own laptop rather than the ones in the classroom, to easier work at home. (not applicable if you have a mac or a brick of a computer.) |
Mohammad Fazelpour
ENME272 Expecting an A Anonymous 01/22/2022 |
Great professor. Dr. Fazelpour was respectful, caring, and understanding of students. He also a very helpful professor. Highly recommended. |
Mohammad Fazelpour
ENME272 Expecting an A Anonymous 12/27/2021 |
For 272, Fazelpour is a really good teacher. He goes a little fast in class when reviewing the material, but if you ask him to repeat a step/part, he will go over it again. The TAs can be helpful but really depends on the TA during the semester. Homeworks can take a while, so do not wait until the last minute to start them, especially if you have an issue with a part. The midterms tend to be more complicated than the homework assignments, so be sure to get help if you do not understand aspects of the homework. There is a group project at the end of the semester that should be fun and easy, but if you are in a bad group then it will be a struggle. Fazelpour is understanding and will try to accommodate as much as he can, but waiting until the last minute will not help. |
Ryan Smith
ENME272 Expecting an A+ Anonymous 12/27/2021 |
Fantastic professor and lecturer. I've found him incredibly accomodating, and he takes the time to explain the material, making it comfortable to ask questions. His office hours are also very accomodating. The exams are fair and representative of the homeworks, so if you put time into the homeworks (which admittedly do take a while) you'll do great on the exams. The final project is difficult but graded easy, just make sure to not leave everything last minute. The course is also more work than 2 credits, but it's a rewarding and valuable course, and you'll come out of it feeling very comfortable with Solidworks. |
Ryan Smith
ENME272 Expecting an A Anonymous 12/24/2021 |
Ryan is an excellent lecturer who is also very caring and always helpful about accommodating special circumstances if you speak with him. If you ask any questions, he makes sure to explain the material until you truly understand it. Exams are fair, and the project was difficult but graded generously. |
Ryan Smith
ENME272 Expecting a B+ Anonymous 12/21/2020 |
Great prof, responds to emails very fast and is very accommodating. |
Ryan Smith
ENME272 Expecting an A Anonymous 12/21/2020 |
Really great professor. Even though things were online he still made the course enjoyable. |
Ryan Smith
ENME272 Expecting an A+ Anonymous 12/18/2020 |
He is a very good teacher an excellent in teaching CAD. |
Ryan Smith
ENME272 Expecting an A Anonymous 12/14/2020 |
Mr. Smith is an incredible professor. He is passionate about the subject matter and teaching. He is happy to answer any questions and explain concepts to students. He does a wonderful job teaching CAD to his students and I would absolutely recommend him to anyone taking this course. |
Ryan Smith
ENME272 Anonymous 05/28/2020 |
Really great professor. Incredibly accommodating and understanding. Plus he does a great job teaching Solidworks and CAD. Don't hesitate to take him |
Mohammad Fazelpour
ENME272 Anonymous 12/14/2019 |
This class is fine. The TAs aren’t super helpful but Fazelpour is helpful and understanding. Not a hard grader. The homework and exams are reasonable. |
Babak Eslami
ENME272 Expecting an A Anonymous 04/18/2018 |
I really like Dr. Eslami. The class is painless and he is very understanding of any situation you may have. He's always willing to help. |