Reviews for ENME414

Information Review
Guangming Zhang

Expecting an A+
Great class, especially for the compressed Winter semester. Dr. Zhang is a little hard to understand at first, but a great instructor and very helpful. You need to give him your full attention during class, because he can go very quickly through the software and it's easy to get lost. Instructions for everything are provided in the textbook, but it's more time efficient to get it done in class. For Winter 2013, class was held M-F for three hours a day. I found it was only necessary to work an additional 2-3 hours a week to complete everything. Exams are easy as well if you've done the homework. He makes himself available for help before class as well. Overall, great class, both because of the content and instructor. I wish I had taken it before my Senior year.
Guangming Zhang

Expecting an A
Dr. Zhang is quite a character and an overall very loveable old man. He essentially does the homework for you in class, but its hard to keep up with him because you'll prob be trying to decipher what he says. Homework was not at all hard, but it was very time consuming because you have to go through the drawing and make sure it has everything he's looking for. Exams were fairly easy if you did the homework yourself. Overall, a very good class and an awesome professor.
Guangming Zhang

Expecting an A
The review below is very accurate. Zhang is awesome, you are missing out on your experience as a mechanical engineer if you do not take ENME414, and if you do not experience Dr. Zhang. He is always willing to help and is extremely friendly. Take this class if you know whats good for you
Guangming Zhang

Mike Shaffer
This class was exclusively using pro-e and solidworks on the computer. Lectures were essentially the students following along what Zhang was doing on the projection screen. This class was at 8AM, and attendance was required. Homework was generally just following tutorials from the book, and would sometimes take a few hours if you saved all of the work for the night before it was due. Zhang knew the software very well. The exams weren't hard, but it became a race against the clock as most students were unable to finish in 1 hour. In my opinion, this class should be a mechanical engineering requirement, but since it isn't, I would strongly recommend taking it.