Reviews for ENME423

Information Review
Michael Ohadi

Expecting an A
Ohadi was great! Lectures are a little boring, but it's easy to do well. Utilize your TA for projects and your golden. Also for exams he allows open lecture notes which is really helpful for statistics that show up. He also gives you a page for whatever notes you want, including homework problems. Highly recommend this class.
Michael Ohadi

He does not seem to care about how his students are doing in the class. The class is quickly paced, but is pretty much over before thanksgiving break. Do not take his classes.
Michael Ohadi

Expecting a B-
Class moves too fast and the projects assigned are confusing. Snooze fest lectures that will rot your brain. Very nice professor but do not recommend.
Jelena Srebric

Expecting an A
This class is awesome if you like thermo or if you are at all interested in green building design or HVAC. I learned so much and was actually able to talk about this class in several interviews and put the project on my resume. It was time consuming but fine if you worked ahead. The teacher is funny and nice and always colorfully dressed and made my day every class. She also asked us what we wanted to do covid-wise so we had class in person one day and virtual the other and it was great. Definitely recommend if you are okay with some work, but a potential start to a career. The tests were pretty smushed for time but she gave plenty of partial credit.