Advanced Topics in Engineering; Robot Learning

Machine learning may be used to greatly expand the capabilities of robotic systems, and has been applied to a variety of robotic system functions including planning, control, and perception. This course wil explore the application of machine learning techniques, paradigms, and control design to robotic systems, focusing primarily on key useful representations and model building techniques for application in non-stationary robotic systems.

Sister Courses: ENPM808, ENPM808A, ENPM808B, ENPM808C, ENPM808D, ENPM808E, ENPM808G, ENPM808I, ENPM808J, ENPM808K, ENPM808L, ENPM808M, ENPM808N, ENPM808O, ENPM808P, ENPM808Q, ENPM808R, ENPM808T, ENPM808V, ENPM808W, ENPM808X, ENPM808Y, ENPM808Z

Past Semesters

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* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.