Reviews for ENST481

Information Review
Peter May

Dr. May is a friendly guy and lenient grader. He is also very lenient when it comes to due dates and asking for extensions. He is a very "chill" professor, but takes it to the extreme. He is just way too disorganized and it really puts a burden on his students. He consistently shows up 5-10 minutes late to his own lecture. He does not post assignments, and expects you to email everything to him through elms. We are nearing finals week and he has yet to grade a single assignment. As well, for a lot of the big projects/assignments he does not provide a rubric to students. He is also doesn't teach at all. Most of his lecture is him scrolling through slides while rambling on about a personal story completely unrelated. Our final is coming up soon and he has not posted a study guide or an outline for what will be on the exam at all.