Reviews for FGSM350

Information Review
Danusia Hubah

Expecting an A+
I would strongly recommend taking her Critical Regions & International Relations concentration for the Fellows Program. The class isn't as demanding as your regular pol-sci classes. However, it is a later class from 7-9:30. Two memos, the first in which you get criticism on a rough draft before submitting a final second one. The final memo is graded with no draft beforehand. And then, there is a short 3-minute elevator brief you give to one of the guest speakers that come in to talk about their topic of expertise. I would recommend preparing beforehand, as some students struggled with remembering their topics. At the end, there is a fun little mock national security meeting with a guest speaker and your classmates that wraps up the whole course. It's not as stressful as you might think it to be. Danusia is fantastic; I wish she had taught more classes than this. But, after all, she is a full-time diplomat!