Reviews for GEOG498B

Information Review
Meredith Gore

Expecting an A-
We mainly did a lot of assigned readings and class discussions of said readings. Professor is knowledgeable in her field and showcases this knowledge during lecture sessions when presenting her own field work to that of coupled human and natural systems. The quizzes are not that hard so long as you write down notes from the lecture sessions and do a little bit of research on some topics to further your understanding on CHNS. For class participation, as long as you read the readings before the lecture date on those readings and speak about what you've read during group discussions, then you're set. The final paper is not that hard since you can choose your own topic of interest that correlate to CHNS, and research various articles and reports that indicate the effects of CHNS in said topic. The professor helped expand my understanding of coupled human and natural systems through the various lectures, readings, guest speakers, quizzes, and assignments. Grades consist of class participation, quizzes, and final paper. Overall, the professor is an absolute gem in terms of teaching.