Reviews for GEOL452

Information Review
Karen Prestegaard

Expecting an A
You will learn a lot of extremely useful skills in this course if you are planning on entering a watershed management or hydrological field. Yes, Dr. Prestegaard's lectures can be a bit dry sometimes, and she may overload her slides with lots of graphs or equations that might make you feel overwhelmed. But she is an extremely kind professor, easy grader, and very easy-going. She is very understanding to students who may be going through tough times in college and accepts late work with no penalty. She's very passionate and engages students' learning in a variety of ways - group work, field trips, presentations, problem sets. She is an extremely smart person, but you shouldn't feel intimidated. Although you may not understand what she's saying all the time, she is very approachable, and you should not be afraid to go into office hours. I genuinely believe that she has a much higher IQ than the average professor. I believe she should have a 4.5/5 as a professor, but I'm rating her as a 5 to help boost her grade, because she certainly should have above 3 stars.
Karen Prestegaard

Dr. Prestegaard is very nice and her courses are fairly interesting. You can tell she is very passionate about her work, but that passion does not carry over well into her lectures. She is a very lenient grader, but you do learn a lot from her class. One complaint I have with her is she took a very long time to submit grades to ELMS and to return work back to students. Other than that, Dr. Prestegaard was a pretty good professor and I did feel like I learned a lot without putting forth tons of effort.