Special Topics; Preparing for the Artemis Missions -- the Geology and Geophysics of the Moon

Exploration of the Moon is undergoing a new renaissance, with the planned return of humans under the NASA Artemis missions opening a new chapter of exploration and science. This class will be a combination of lecture, paper reading and student-led presentations, with a focus on grad student and advanced undergraduate engagement on the latest topics in lunar research and exploration. Topics would cover recent results that have furthered our understanding of lunar geology, geophysics, formation models, surface composition and evolution, internal dynamics and structure, and mission science. Students would lead paper discussions and a research project using the latest lunar datasets.

Sister Courses: GEOL489A, GEOL489F, GEOL489G, GEOL489N, GEOL489O, GEOL489R, GEOL489T, GEOL489V

Spring 2024

1 review
Average rating: 4.00

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.